Tag: positive

Life Positive

Positive Life Experiences

“Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences.” We are shaping and constructing our quality life with the help of our quality of thought. We are bombarded with countless number of thought in our thought manufacturing bank zone and mostly are unwanted negative thought. As valid truth says …
Mind Positive

Repeat Positive Thoughts until your Mind repeats them back to you

“Repeat Positive Thoughts until your Mind repeats them back to you.” Your quality of thought determines your quality of things, circumstances and people you can attract in your life. Your inner world is home for heaven where you have to plant the seeds of love, kindness, dream, compassion, positive thought …
Awareness Law of Attraction Lighten up

One small positive thought

“One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” Everyday is blessed gifted new day to create miracles for discovering your true self utilizing your gifted intelligence in the light of positive and grateful attitude backed by cheerful smile. Once you begin your day watering yourself with …