Category: God

God Faith

If God brings you to it

If God brings you to it – Wisdom Quotes and Stories “If God brings you to it. He will bring you through it.” The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt by the heart. ~ Hellen Keller We close …
Faith God Wisdom Stories

Pedal on The Road Of Life

  At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was out there sort of like a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, But …
God Love Yourself

When you honor and value yourself

“When you honor and value yourself, you are honoring God because you are his creation, a beautiful reflection of him.” You are divine creation in the form of conscious human being for living in the light of love, respect, happiness and peace. Once you love yourself, respect yourself and admire …