Category: Change

Change Good Women

A Good Woman

“A pretty face gets old. A nice body will change, but a good woman will always be a good woman.”  A good woman never change. Her body and face after time slowly change but in inner of their heart still remain in goodness shape because she is the really good …

Don’t expect miracles to happen overnight

“You cannot expect miracles to happen overnight. Be patient, be loving and little by little the change you seek will come.”  No regrets, no worries. Relax and breathe. Stay present, understanding that you did the best you could at the time, and you’ll do your best in the future. Reliving …
Change Past

Make a Brand new ending

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~ Carl Bard Become present and appreciate where you are at this very moment. Celebrate your path. It may be a path of discovery. It may be …