Acceptance Beauty Heart Kindness Law of Attraction Life Soul

Acceptance – The key to Enlightenment

Acceptance - the key to Enlightenment

I finally have stopped running from me, and accepted some truths.

I feel a great shift in myself, a real one,

one I have been working on for some time.

I claim my life,  and my responsibility for positive change, and

honor and will protect myself always.

My point is… I ‘get it’ on a deeper level…

means nothing unless I let it upset my peace of mind.

People die, people get let go, relationships end or change and that

is life it is not the end of the world. I have so much to be grateful for in my life,

and it is not too late for me.

I understand all the connections, connected the dots,

and the lesson I was supposed to learn.

No more ego, no expectations, no more drama, or being so hard on myself.

I have to be done with all of that in all areas of my life.

Only then can I truly be free from ego and embrace One Love and One Heart,

being connected to Web of Life. Think, speak, and walk the spiritual path, knowing

I am not alone. I am free to create and share in ways my ego never dreamed possible.

~ By Lorenza Angelo

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