Ability Problem

Life Knocks you down

happiness is not the absence of problems but ability to deal with them   - Wisdom Quotes and Stories

“Sometimes life knocks you on your ass… get up, get up, get up!!! Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.” ~ Steve Maraboli

Life may knock you down, people may knock you down and negative circumstances may knock you down physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually but you need to gather lion like courage to get up spiritually from within firing the light of faith and self belief from within. Yes it’s natural to encounter with negative circumstances or setbacks as you are seeded with one definite purpose and ability to rise above it. Once you dare to rise above stormy circumstances visualizing your dream purpose vividly inside your mental video holding strong faith then nothing and no one can stop you. Just be in the battle field and win the battle of your life as it can define your true self and true identity of life. ~ Dhiraj Raj

© Wisdom Quotes & Stories

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